Elements Of Life Wellness
Wellness With An Integrative Touch
Orthopedic Massage

0RTHOPEDIC MASSAGE manual soft tissue manipulation, including movement of locomotor soft tissues to eliminate pain and dysfunction throughout the body. It is more than a specific technique, but rather a multidisciplinary/multimodality (technique) treatments that include but not limited to: Functional Assessment, Myofascial Release, Neuromuscular Therapy, Scar Tissue Mobilization,  Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques, Active Isolated Stretching-Tight Muscles, Strengthening-Weak Inhibited Antagonists, and specific client self care protocols designed for each clinical condition.

The goal is to understand and identify the underlying structures involved in each clinical condition, and then apply the most appropriate modality or discipline to eliminate the underlying cause before treating the resulting clinical symptoms. 


Orthopedic Massage Applications: The following clinical conditions are just some of the many things that can be addressed with Orthopedic Massage:

Lower Body: Acute & Chronic Low Back Pain, Sciatica, Bulging Discs, Scoliosis, Spinal Stenosis, SI Joint Dysfunction, Hip Capsule Adhesions, IT Band Friction Syndrome,  Hamstring Strains, Achilles Tendinosis, Plantar Fasciitis, Ankle Sprains, Bunions, Hammer Toes, etc

Upper Body:  Scoliosis, Upper Cross Syndrome, Rotator Cuff Injuries, Shoulder Impingement, Thoracic Outlet, Frozen Shoulders, Cervical Sprain/ Strain, Forward Head Posture, C1/C2 Dysfunction, Migraine Headaches, TMJ, Medial and Lateral Elbow Pain,  Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, etc.



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